Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Recommendation Of The Month: Bella Swan:Kidnapper by Kambria Rain

    Yes, I've changed it to recommendation of the month, because I can't seem to do this weekly. Oh well. 
  Anyway, I'm not going to launch into a huge criticism on this story like I did the the last one, or go overboard on the summary. I am going to tell you that this story—Bella Swan: Kidnapper by Kambria Rain—is both a heart-warming romance, and hilariously funny. I swear, I was on an emotional roller coaster with all the laughing, then crying I was doing. The author's summary of this story was so eye-catching: Um. Hi. I don't really know how to say this, but I have your kids with me, and I was thinking maybe you would like them back. So yeah… call me. 
  I was immediately intrigued, and my curiosity definitely paid off. Bella Swan's being a single mother to a son she named Leonardo (Leo) has definitely changed her from the stereotypical softie we've come to know. She's one tough cookie, folks, even being nicknamed "Bella the Beast" when she tackles a boy's mother for cheering on her son when he tackled Leo during football. So, naturally, when she "kidnaps" Edward's children—Ethan and Sophie—she's doing it on pure, motherly instinct, seeing them being treated appallingly by their father's girlfriend.
  Anyway, once Edward catches up enough to realize Bella's good intention—and that she's not some psycho trying to take his children—it becomes a running joke between his family and hers, and only the beginning of the insane romance about to befall the two as they slowly realize how much they need one another, not just for their children's sakes, but for their own.
  And its almost 6,000 reviews speaks for itself.

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