Sunday, July 11, 2010

Interview With Cella Cullen

  The most recent interview I've managed to do was with none other than CellaCullen, author of 10 beautiful pieces of Twilight fanfiction:
  Me: Hello, thank you for taking the time to be interviewed. I suppose my first question would be about your pen name on the site. How did you come up with it?
CellaCullen: Cella is what my friends call me and Cullen was my way of saying, yes I joined cause I love Twilight

Me: How long have you been writing fan fiction, approximately? 

CellaCullen: Just a little over a year and a half. 

Me: What made you start?

CellaCullen: I had a very specific plot line in mind as far as what I wanted to see happen post Breaking Dawn. None of the fics I read satisfied my craving for the next part of the story, so I wrote my own.

Me: I fell in love with your story “Raising Bella” and, from the looks of the reviews you got for it, it seems I’m not the only one. Did you predict it would be such a success before you started it?

CellaCullen: Oh lord no. Raising Bella was another one of those why can’t I find this fic the way I want it moments, and since my first story only had a couple hundred reviews I crossed my fingers and hoped to maybe get 300 reviews. I’ll admit that I’m a Review whore and rewarding reviewers certainly seems to help feed my addiction.
Me: Where do you get these amazing ideas of yours? Do you pull them out of a hat, or do you work at them?

CellaCullen: Umm I guess it depends on if you mean plots in general or specific bits in a story. As far as plots go my friends seem to think I have an endless supply which may be true. I’ve been lucky enough to have others help me get stories written that I couldn’t figure out how to write or simply didn’t have the time to write myself. “She sang the wrong song” by Fiberkitty was one of those plots I didn’t feel I could do justice to. She did an amazing job of course and I was tickled pink to see the fic dedicated to me. Currently my girl, Lyricalkris is writing “Deceitful Taboos” and that is one plot I don’t think I ever would have had the guts to write myself.
As far as moments in a story goes, I’m sure many other of the fanfic writers will agree with me when I say the characters control the story. Oh I set up the plot, and try to hit some key areas, but they truly do control the fic. 
James was supposed to accidently change Bella in Raising Bella, but his sadistic side wouldn’t let it happen. Edward was supposed to find out about Emmett and Rose before they found out about him, but Bella was too damn stubborn to ever tell him anything.
Just like life things happen un-expectantly and most of the time I find myself sitting back and asking what you in a roundabout way asked me, “Where the hell did that come from?” 

Me: Who or what would you say has inspired you to write?

CellaCullen: Life. Life inspires everything. Sometimes the inspiration is subtle and sometimes it slams into me, but just by getting out of the house, listening to music, or just talking to my friends I get inspired to write. Unfortunately there’s no guarantee I’ll get inspired to write what others are hoping I will.

Me: Are you a reader and a writer, both, or just a writer?

CellaCullen: Both. I love to read and mainly read fanfic. I’ve probably read more twilight fanfic than anyone else in the fandom. It may not seem possible, but before I started writing I read nonstop, day and night. I tend to stick with completed fics now, cause I’ve been burnt by too many WIP that have been pulled by the writer or gone on permanent hiatus. I’ve read one-shots, multi chapters, canon, non canon, slash (even helped rec them on the Twi-slash unveiled blog way back when), fem slash, every possible rating from K-M, I’ve read fics where Bella dies in the end, fics where she doesn’t but I wish she did, fics that I wish I hadn’t wasted my time, and others that leave me wondering how on earth they could not possible be known by everyone. Of course what surprises even myself is when I go back and read fics I used to love and realize how much pickier I’ve gotten over time. 

Me: What else do you do in your spare time when you’re not concocting the next chapter of a story?

CellaCullen: I’m a mom to two children with Type 1 diabetes which is also the inspiration of a fic I’ve been outlining for the last year. They take up a lot of my time, as well as my husband, and housework. I have recently begun doing collabs under the penname TwiHard Vixens, and up until recently spent a lot of time working on the Twi Hard Fic website.  HYPERLINK "" I will admit though a lot of the time when I’m not writing, I’m reading. I try to always review, but up until recently it was hard to do on my phone. I’m working my way through the completed Bella Fics (No Bella/ Jake pairings **shivers**) I want to have read at least the first chapter of every single one, eventually.

Me: When I spoke with you earlier, you mentioned a vacation. I take that as a sign you’re having a good summer?

CellaCullen: Summer’s been up and down. I went to Cali to finally meet my fellow TwiHard Vixens, Lyricalkris and Dizzygrl28. I also got to meet Tellingmelies which was amazing because I’m in love with her HotpocketWard, and her by default. Unfortunately a family member went into early labor, after my return to Texas, and lost the baby. It’s caused this last week to be one of sorrow, but my kids are returning from camp Friday so I’m hoping their presence at home with turn things around. 

Me: The third movie in the Twilight saga comes out in a little over a week. Would you say you’re excited to see it? Or are you not a big fan of the movies?

CellaCullen: Oh lord, I’m excited yes, but not nearly as excited as some people I know **cough**Lyricalkris**cough**. I can honestly say I’ve only seen Twilight three times and New Moon twice. I love Rob, but (I’m so gonna get flamed for this) I prefer the Edwards in fanfic over Stephanie’s now.  

Me: Because I have to ask… Team Edward or Jacob? Wolves or vampires?

CellaCullen: Edward, it’s always been Edward…. Except in my fic Super Nova. That one turned nearly everyone who read it into team Jake cause that’s how it was supposed to be. Of course I love the Vamps and Jasper is completely my favorite, hence why he gets to have a bit more fun in raising Bella. 

Me: When you’re writing a story, do you use real life pictures and such to help you get a clear perspective on the places, people, things? Or are they all straight from the imagination?

CellaCullen: Imagination, which is annoying as heck when I try to find a picture to show people what I’m seeing in my mind.

Me: I noticed that you disabled anonymous reviews for your stories. Can I ask what prompted that? 

CellaCullen: Oh my goodness, I got one particularly spiteful review just a few days ago. It was the rudest thing ever. I don’t mind if people disagree with me, but I would like a chance to explain my feelings/ reasoning behind what I do and anon reviews make that impossible. 
I’ll probably go back to accepting them, once things have cooled down and I’m sure the reviewer who was so mean spirited won’t try to leave another. 

Me: So, who would you say is your favorite author on Or one of?

CellaCullen: Oh lord do I have to chose one? That’s just not possible for me.
Fiberkitty opened my eyes to my love of Jasper/ Bella pairings. Definitely Staying helped me discover the pleasure of twisted endings. Daddy’s Little Cannibal had me realizing how much I love bittersweet endings. Oracle Vas, Kambria Rain, Sh.C, Nollie Marie … the list goes on and on. I’ve honestly read so much fanfic, it’s hard to chose a favorite. Ask me something easier like which writer do you admire most for their comedy skills, whose work do you find you simple have to read whenever they post a new story? Who wrote a fic that you just can’t get out of your mind?  

Me: Favorite story? 

Why is this so hard? Seriously? I’ve read soo many fanfiction stories. Heres a list of certain favs cause I just can’t narrow it down.
Shortest Favorite: Kiss Cam by happy-alice
Longest Favorite: Meyer University by Sh.C
Favorite Comedy: Bella Swan Kidnapper by Kambria Rain
Favorite Crack Fic: 10 steps to seducing your hot virgin vampire boyfriend by halojones
Favorite Horror: Toye by Bratty Vamp
Favorite Angst: We don’t break we Bend by Lyricalkris
Favorite Romance: A World without Sound by The Romanticidal Edwardian
Favorite Alt Time AH: A New Frontier by Melolabel
Favorite Alt Time AU: The Cotton Tail by Miss Priss
Favorite Alt Twilight: Wrong Song by Fiberkitty
Favorite Alt New Moon: When darkness Turns to Light by JanaBanana
Favorite Alt Breaking Dawn: Only Human by Amethyst Jackson
See? I just can’t narrow it down, and it kills me to leave the list at that because I’ve read so many more that are worthy of being mentioned and rec’d to others.

Me: FanFiction can be a great place to meet writers that you share interests with. I know I’ve met several wonderful writers who I’ve become friends with. What about you? 

CellaCullen: Of Course! Oh my goodness, I have the friends I talk to daily, the ones I check in with weekly and others who I talk to when I get the time. There are the girl’s I’ve met in person and the ones like Bellasunderstudy, while we don’t get to talk often our conversations are never short. 

Me: What is your opinion on Lemons in fanfic stories? I know some people find them fake, and refuse to read stories that have them written in. Where would you say you stand?

CellaCullen: I love Lemons but I would rather read a fantastic story with no lemons than one with lemons that is just outright horrid. I think lemons for the sake of lemons is fine, but like to know that’s what I’m reading before I get started.

Me: I always find certain characters easier or more fun to write. Who is your favorite character to write when writing stories for Twilight?

CellaCullen: I love to write Jasper from other’s perspectives, but freak when I write him in first person. I’ve been told I really do write a good Edward which is nice to know since it’s obviously my goal to connect with my inner hundred and seven year old virgin male vampire.
Me: Do you write original novels, as well? Poems, maybe?

CellaCullen: I used to love writing poetry, I was in a poetry club in high school, but stopped a while ago. I do have an original story I’m playing with in my spare time and a fic based on my real life experiences which is too outrageous for anyone to ever believe.

MeLast question before I leave you alone: What are your words of advice to your fellow writers, those who are struggling in the world of creation?

CellaCullenWrite for yourself. I’ve seen way too many writers get pulled into the whole fame of fanfiction and their stories suffered in the end. Just because everyone is screaming that Edward and Bella need to realize they should be together in the very next chapter doesn’t mean that it really needs to happen. I write my stories the way that I believe they need to be told. Some of my stories are loved by others, some are not even a blip on the radar of the fanfic world, but what matters is that when I’m done I’m proud of what I did. That’s something everyone should be able to say.

All right! Great words of inspiration from a writer who definitely knows her words. Thank you, Cella, for your time and your lengthy answers—just teasing—and I would like to say I hope all works out with your family during this difficult time. 
As for you readers—don't forget to check out Cella's profile and read some of her amazing stories: CellaCullen. I'm sure some reviews would definitely cheer her up, if not possibly feed her addiction. :)