Me: So, what exactly inspired you to start writing?
XDC: When I was a little kid I used to think reading and writing were ugh, bleh,
puh. But then I started reading Harry Potter and fell in love with literature.
So with this new love, I wrote a story about a magical plant when I was eight
years old and showed it to my teacher. She was impressed and told my parents
that I should have it published. I never did try to publish it, I was such a
shy kid, but her insistence and compliments did not go to waste. I've been
writing ever since.
Me: Every time I get a Story Alert for one of your stories, my eyes
immediately flash to your adorable pen name. How did you come up with it?
XDC: I wanted a name that very few other people would have. I've always had an
attraction to cute, sweet things; designing things for ice cream shops and
cupcakes in my graphic design classes, keeping a big stuffed Hershey kiss in
my room, and buying more candy than necessary for Halloween so I could have
plenty of leftovers for me to eat after all the kiddies have come around. So
when I needed to think of a pen name, I wanted it to be sweet. I love caramel
and I think the little "XD" face is such a funny little guy, so add the two
together and voila!
Me: I've read several of your stories, and I've noticed that you come up with
some very original story lines. A Vision Stained With Red, is one example. Are
you one of the fortunate ones that ideas just seem to come to, or did you
really sit down and think these up?
XDC: Shadow of the Day and Chasing Pavements come from songs, while Life ain't been
no Crystal Stair is a line from a poem, so they aren't exactly of my creation.
However, A Vision Stained With Red is something I made up. No, it didn't come
to me easily. I spent quite a while trying to come up with it. I decided to
use "vision" since it's about Bella seeing things, and red can indicate many
gruesome things; violence, anger, death. At first, it was called "Red Vision"
but I didn't like it and changed it to what it is now. As for my upcoming
stories, The Lottery is the name of a book and Sub Rosa is a word I came
across, thought it was cool, and proceeded to come up with a story using it.
Me: What made you choose to write fan fictions for Twilight?
XDC: Several reasons. First and foremost though, is because the characters are so
flexible. To me, Twilight is not so much of a vampire story as it is a love
story. Because of this, there are so many fanfiction stories that have almost
nothing to do with the original storyline of Twilight and zero connection to
vampires, yet are still widely read and loved because they keep that love
element in there (and are truly awesome fics). With this flexibility, I find
myself having so many ideas and so much fun writing the different scenarios.
Of course, I could do this with other books, but the Twilight characters are
fun to mess with.
Me: Be honest, how many times have you read the Twilight saga? Even if just to
brush up on your characters...
XDC: This may shock you, but I've only read the entire series once,
cover-to-cover. I have read certain parts of the books more than once, for my
entertainment and for my stories, but I've never read the entire thing from
book one to book four again after the first time. I know people who read it 20
times and are surprised that I've only done it once. Heh.
Me: Team Edward or Jacob?
XDC: Team Let's Just Go With What The Author Writes. Seriously, I'm neither. My
stories are Bella/Edward because that's canon. If Stephenie Meyer had Bella
choose Jacob, my stories would probably be Bella/Jacob. If I wrote Harry
Potter stories, they'd be Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione (I never did get the
whole Harry/Hermione thing. I knew it was going to be Ron and Hermione from
book one).
Me: Which book is your favorite and why?
XDC: Probably Twilight. I had mixed reactions to the other three books, especially
Breaking Dawn. Twilight is the only one I finished and fully liked, unlike the
other ones where I was like, "Well, I enjoyed it, but..." If I had to order
them, I'd say Twilight, Eclipse, New Moon, then Breaking Dawn.
Me: What are your opinions on the Twilight movie?
XDC: It was entertaining. It's a good movie to watch on a rainy day and, well, it
was just good entertainment. If I had to judge it on an Academy Award artistic
level, I'd say it wasn't good, but overall it was entertaining. New Moon looks
a lot better.
Me: What are your favorite books?
XDC: Oh boy, I'd have to say... Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Catching Fire,
Speak, Looking for Alaska, I am the Messenger, The Book Thief, An Abundance of
Katherines, The Thief Lord, The Dust of 100 Dogs, A Northern Light, The
Outsiders, Stardust, Le Petit Prince (a French book) and many more. I also
used to read a lot of Roald Dahl when I was younger.
Me: Any recommendations for people looking for a good read?
XDC: Depends on what people prefer, but if you haven't read any of the books on my
above list, I recommend you do. If anyone needs the authors to those books,
let me know.
Me: Is it just fan fics, or does your writing expand into original novels and
perhaps poetry?
XDC: I mostly write fanfiction, but I do have some original work. Mostly short
stories, though. I started writing fanfiction in the first place because I
wanted to know how other people, not my friends who would be biased, reacted
to my writing, so I could improve for when I do plan to publish something. So
I do have other stuff, but I plan to add more. I don't have any poetry though.
I'm pretty bad at poems.
Me: What is the last fan fic you read, who is it by, and what did you think
of it?
XDC: Hmm... I haven't had any time to read new fan fics, so right now I've only
been reading what's already on my alert list. The most recent story on there
that's been updated is Dearly Departed by Iambcullen (or is it lambcullen?).
The fact that it's on my alert list obviously means I enjoyed it, but overall
I think it's an awesome story. Heartbreaking, but very good.
Me: Finally, any words of advice for other fan fic writers?
XDC: Don't wing it. If you come up with an idea, don't just start writing and
posting right away. Plan it out. Make sure you know the beginning, end, and
everything that happens in between. It may seem like a pain, but it's worth it
in the long run. And EDIT your work. Get a beta if you have to. Stories full
of spelling and grammar mistakes just don't look good. Editing is golden. And
most importantly, have fun and try to be as creative as you can.
Great advice, eh? I don't think I can add to much more to this post (her interview says it all), but if anyone has any further inquiry about this fabulous author or any of her stories, here's the link to her fan fiction profile:
Thanks again, XDCaramel for your time. :)